Carie Stock – Why she’s a 2014 Top 40

Age: 30

Job title: Executive Director, Helping Families Handle Cancer

Why she’s a 2014 Top 40:

Carie Stock founded Helping Families Handle Cancer, a registered charity that has helped more than 75 families who have a child battling cancer by paying their bills so the parents could be with their children during treatment.

Carie Stock’s first memories come to her in sharp flashes. A red carpet; a hospital room; a coveted day pass to the movie theatre. But in every memory, her mother is always by her side.

At one year old, Stock was diagnosed with rhabdomyosarcoma, a soft-tissue cancer, and doctors informed her family she only had a 10-per cent chance of survival. She battled the disease until she was seven, when she finally went into surgery for the last time.

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