Care Program

It only takes a moment for you to change the story of a cancer family.

Cancer Families Don’t Have To Go It Alone

We work alongside pediatric oncology social workers to ensure the most in-need families receive financial support. Many families face reduced work hours or loss of employment just to be at their child’s bedside. Our donors help with their bills: day to day, month to month, right in the middle of their struggle. Your donations go to local families, and the money goes to work immediately – most families receive assistance within 24-48 hours.

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Over $1,200,000 in support given to families


Pie chart breakdown of support given to families


Helping Families Handle Cancer serves families across Alberta and Saskatchewan and is active in:

Intake Process

Families never expected to need our Care Program, but we’re here for you so you can be there for your child.

  1. After a child is diagnosed with cancer, a social worker is assigned to the family by the hospital.
  2. The social worker meets with the family to assess their needs.
  3. The social worker sends an application to our team on the family’s behalf.
  4. We contact the family and deliver support within 24-48 hours.

The Children’s Hospitals we work with have made it standard practice for every family to have regular contact with their assigned social worker

If you’re a social worker and have families that need support, please reach out to Carie:

“The fact that HFHC was able to help us with hospital parking was a huge deal, as not having that expense accumulate on a credit card was such a weight off my shoulders. Sometimes we would end up in the emergency room in the middle of the night and the 24 hour passes provided got us in there twice in one day.”

— Grace’s Mom, Sarah