Helen Stock Legacy Bursary

2025-2026 Information

Parent and Sibling Applications are now OPEN for the 2025/2026 School Year


2025 – 2026 Bursary Information

Helping Families Handle Cancer is excited to offer a parent and sibling bursary for two successful applicants in each category. The four bursaries’ will be a one-time bursary valued at $5,000 each. The parent bursary is directed towards parents of children (age of 18 or younger) who have been or are currently diagnosed with a form of childhood cancer at the Alberta Children’s Hospital. The sibling bursary is directed towards siblings of children (age 18 or younger) who have been or are currently diagnosed with a form of childhood cancer at the Alberta Children’s Hospital. We are proud to be the first and only organization to offer a bursary for oncology parents and siblings in Canada!

When a family has a child battling cancer, it is usually over a long period of time that their lives are affected financially. Even after a child’s cancer treatment, it can take many years for families to land back on their feet. With this bursary, our aim is to help cancer families take back control of their future by supporting their educational journeys.

We understand that many students often have to balance a plethora of responsibilities in addition to their studies; therefore, full-time and part-time students are eligible to apply for this bursary.

Bursaries are designed to help students offset the cost of tuition, mandatory fees, text books, supply fees and/or any training related expenses the student may incur as a result of pursuing their program of study.

About Helen Stock

This special bursary is named in honour of Helen Stock, a beloved member of the Helping Families Handle Cancer team. Helen was a kind-hearted, loving, and gentle soul who served as the Helping Families Handle Cancer Treasurer and volunteer for over a decade. Helen was also the mother-in-law of our Founder and Executive Director, Carie Stock (who started the charity in 2008). In early 2022, Helen passed away suddenly from an aggressive cancer. Helen faced the news of her prognosis with tremendous courage, spending each precious moment she had left with her loved ones.

Helen had an active bookkeeping business (she loved to “play with money”), where she enjoyed interactions with her many good clients over the years. Much like Helen’s time on earth where she encouraged others to grow their passions as she had hers, this bursary will serve as a part of Helen’s legacy that will inspire others to grow and learn in a field that also brings them passion. This bursary is meant to honour Helen and her dedication to our mission; it will also serve as a memory of everything Helen meant to our foundation and the people she touched within it.

For any questions regarding the Helen Stock Legacy Bursary, please contact scholarships@helpingfamilies.ca

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